What is a memoir?
A memoir is a work of non fiction based on personal experiences, self discovery and realizations. This is actually an essence of life lessons from people, to serve a greater purpose. While autobiographies are a platform for well-known individuals to share the facts of their lives in their own words, memoirs are a format in which writers use their life experience in service of a larger theme or idea. Told from the perspective of the author, memoirs are written in first person point of view.
Here are the list of 5 memoirs that inspired me, hopefully these inspire you too:)
A deeply personal work of former First Lady speaks about the endless journey of transformation in becoming herself, then a family and more. She lets the readers to infer life lessons from her well woven words and the book doesn't seem to lag at any point. She talks about embracing the change, not only dealing but realizing that the life is short after the loss of her close people, following her heart in changing careers after being an established Lawyer, learning to adapt to life- changing lifestyles, becoming a supportive and understanding mother, in born empathy and the burning desire to bring about change in lives of children and women through several political movements.
“If you don’t get out there and define yourself, you’ll be quickly and inaccurately defined by others.”- Michelle Obama.
The producer and the host of the most influential TV shows- Oprah Winfrey wrote this book after being posed with the question “What do you know for sure?” by the film critic Gene Siskel. Inspired by the question, she started a famous monthly column in her O magazine, whose combined insights and revelations are in this book. Faced with a lot of hardships as a young girl, she was inspired by people and books, notably, her relentless father and the autobiography of Maya Angelou. Importance of practicing gratitude, believing experiences are life gifts, keeping an open heart to see miracles happening everyday, resilience and more inspiring life lessons come our way in this well written book.
“Whose life did you touch? Who did you love, and who loved you back?”- Oprah Winfrey.
Writer of a creativity inspiring book- Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert talks about the transformation she goes through, from being at the rock bottom of her life to attaining peace through her journey around the World. She goes to Italy, learns the language, makes new friends and eats delicious Italian food that helped her come out of depression. She then travels to India, learns to do meditation and prayer at her Guru's Ashram, finds freedom after getting relieving release from her marriage. In her final stop to Bali Indonesia, she meets an old healer and foreteller, finds the balance and love in her life again.
“There is a reason they call God a presence – because God is right here, right now. In the present is the only place to find Him, and now is the only time.”- Elizabeth Gilbert.
Shonda Rhimes- The writer and producer of several popular TV shows, including Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, How to Get Away With Murder and Bridgerton, especially an introvert talks about her whole year and more of saying YES to anything that challenges her to get out of her comfort zone. She explains about the reason for such a bold decision- the 6 scary words said by her sister during the Thanksgiving dinner. She talks about the importance of self love and acceptance, swallowing fear, daring to use our voice, saying yes to a healthy body, accepting real love and friendships, and learning to saying no to the bad things and people.
“If I don't poke my head out of my shell and show people who I am, all anyone will ever think I am is my shell.”- Shonda Rhimes.
Lilly Singh- Canadian Youtuber, comedian, TV show host and actress, through her funny witty and with the voice of a girl next door kind, inspires the readers with interesting tips that made her successful in life. Learning self awareness and its intricacies, goal setting, setting up deadlines, handling objections, getting out of comfort zones are few of the many success habits discussed in this memoir. Becoming a successful and confidence-exuding bawse requires a strong foundation of hard work, discipline and values. With time, training the mind to function effortlessly in success-optimizing way results in becoming a Bawse.
“Words lie; actions can lie too. Consistency speaks the truth.”- Lilly Singh.