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Is manifestation a myth?

A little preface:

The String theory- Known as the Theory of Everything states that the fundamental particle of this Universe is not point-like, but one-dimensional Strings, that vibrate constantly, and varied frequencies constitute different matter. Also, Quantum theory suggests that the subatomic particles exist in various states before a particular observation is made, and generally the state is called “Superposition”. The particles promptly collapse into a single position once the particles are observed.

“No phenomenon is a real phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon”- John Archibald Wheeler

Bhagvat Gita ties to the String theory concept in 11:39 with the words: HiranyaGharba- a Golden Embryo, also called Sutratma- meaning the String field is the Grandsire of all creatures.

वायुर्यमोऽग्निर्वरुणः शशाङ्कः प्रजापतिस्त्वं प्रपितामहश्च। नमो नमस्तेऽस्तु सहस्रकृत्वः पुनश्च भूयोऽपि नमो नमस्ते।।11.39।।

"You alone are the great-grandsire of all and also grandfather etc. The Prajapatis are the fathers of all creatures. Hiranyagarbha (Brahma), the father of the Prajapatis, is the grandsire of all creatures. You, being the father of even Hiranyagarbha, are the great grandfather of all creatures. You alone are denoted by the several terms by which these beings are known. Your power is infinite; Your majesty immeasurable; Such is the meaning. Beholding the Lord in a most marvelous form, Arjuna, bent with great awe, saluted Him from all sides with his eyes widely open from joy."

- (Translated By Swami Adidevananda).

In simple words, every single particle in this Universe vibrates at varied frequencies, but humans can perceive only a very limited range of frequencies in physical reality. This is true with several areas like sound, light, and emotions. Essentially, lower-frequency emotions are the feelings of shame, guilt, apathy, and grief, all the way to higher frequencies towards love, joy, peace, and enlightenment. thoughts are no exception to the vibrational nature of the Universe. On the other hand, the observed doesn't exist until an observer observes it. So every future and past possibility does and does not exist at the same time until a person observes it.

Now, how a person observes a future reality is through the synchronization of two essential pieces:

  1. Thoughts

  2. Emotions

So, an observation when done through the brain waves changing the wiring at the Prefrontal Cortex and the feelings of that thought is felt emotionally, then one is able to bring that observation into reality. This cannot happen when the thoughts and emotions do not align. For example, we might have thought of the possibility of passing the exam with the topmost scores, but at the emotional level, we might have lingered around self-doubt and helplessness, and we've ended up not attaining that goal we've set for ourselves. So, it is essential to feel the way you think.

Note that the above-mentioned pieces take only the 'What' part of the event. The 'How' and 'when' parts of the event are not for us to determine. So getting a high score either with an easy question paper or your extreme preparation, or some magical event where you got to answer every single question correctly- the HOW is not in your hands. Getting a million dollars next month is not something that you can control. The time and space precisely- How and When part, leave it to the Universe, just fully focussing on the how, completely in thoughts and emotions is the key to manifestation.

One way to bring these thoughts to the physical realm is through words- Scripting the desired event in the present or past tense in as much detail as possible in a journal. Once the thoughts transform into words, emotions should take shape and carry the feelings of the desired event already happening throughout the day/week/ until the event actually happens in the physical reality. So, what happens after the fact would be possible events of synchronicities- Possible 'Out-of-nowhere' scenarios, which cannot be logically explained other than the word randomness. These scenarios, combined with thoughts and emotions push you towards taking action and it doesn't matter how, it doesn't matter when, the desired reality will be manifested into your physical reality!

So, manifestation is the utmost reality that happens at a scale imperceptible to the human physical range. There are a lot of books about precise techniques for manifestation and Listed a few of them that I've read, below. Also refer to the blog: The Temple Science blog post to link the Science of Hinduism to Cosmology and beyond.

- Sru🔥

18th July 2023.

For further readings:

  1. Elegant Universe by Brian Greene

  2. Breaking the Habit of being yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza

  3. The Code of the Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani.




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