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Beyond the identity facade

From the time a child is born, he's recognized with several identities. Assigned gender at birth, nationality, faith, parents, family, heritage, color, race, and the list is on and on. Humans fight each other to impose their identities about gender, religion, race, ethnicity, beliefs, and nationality. Many of these crises arise from suppression, in which case, the opposition has a sense of superiority. This dominance might arise from either an irrational devotion to their identity or strong opinions on gathered information- facts or otherwise, against other's identities and beliefs. Regardless of the base, the group or an individual gets severely biased towards one identity they set for themselves.

The cultural significance of the place one's born, the richness in history of his nation, the age of roots, and the basis for his religious beliefs, make the person feel privileged. However, beyond a point, if not in check would turn into a patronizing attitude towards those who don't agree with his identities and beliefs. So, this in turn takes various shades of feelings and emotions. So, something that should enrich one from within takes a complete 180-degree turn to destroy oneself. I think this is the worst way to exploit the ancient wisdom.

Who are we?

Based on various readings I've been doing lately, I am trying to answer this question with the understanding I have at this point. The answer might evolve for the better from here on, that I am sure.

Who are you- I've been asked that question several times, professionally and personally, and I am NEVER satisfied with the answer I have for that question. I want to say, this is probably the most difficult question humankind ever faced. I usually mention my name, location, age (depends), education, work experiences past and current, my stage of life as a wife or a mom, hobby, passion, and sometimes, future aspirations. Okay, these are the things I currently do, but these things aren't ME. I know that I own a few things financially worthy and some aren't, but I know that those things aren't me. Well, then maybe the body is who I am, but the body in itself, is an accumulation of food and energy. Without this body, I still existed while I was in my mom's womb. Maybe I am the feelings I experience- Happiness, sorrow, anger, guilt, courage? Well, when I am in deep sleep, and people in various forms of meditation have no feelings at all, however, the individuals exist.

The theory of evolution solved various unanswered mysteries in the last few centuries. Human is distinguished from other animals with the power of their brain. Maybe I am my thoughts from the most evolved organ of our species. Oh but wait, people in coma still exist! So, I am not my social status, I am not the things and the riches I own, not my body, not my mind, and not my emotions. I am not the passion I possess, not the interests and intellect I possess. So, I tend to identify myself with the CONCEPTS of myself, and not ME.

So, I am beyond the confines of time, environment, and body! That should mean that I exist even if I don't have this body and this is further confirmed by the NDE confessions from those who experienced the same. Scientists and ancient wisdom name this energy, the energy that goes on irrespective of external confines as Pure Consciousness. This also confirms that there's life after the death of the body we currently live in.

Now this Conscience is a portion of the Supreme Consciousness, God, if I may, and I refer to this extreme supremacy as 'Shiva' (the NO-BODY, NO-THING, and NO-PLACE- the boundless expanse of the universe where the universe's celestial bodies and their activities take place) from which we're born and reborn and where we disintegrate into.

We- each living organism and non-living item on this Earth, and in the Universe for that matter are characterized by vibrational frequencies. The higher the frequency, the more energy-like and less matter-like we become, which signifies that the Divine energies exist at higher frequencies. At the end of the day, we're one, source-wise, and the end-point of this and several lives we've lived so far and might live after the current one. We're just at various points in the spectrum.

Coming back to the identity facade, given that each of us is from the same source and would go back to the same source, the time spent in this lifetime, and probably many lifetimes before this as well, to prove your beliefs and your knowledge is superior to others is so pointless. We could probably focus on getting closer to the Creator by investing that time and energy inward, within ourselves.

To conclude, my identity is Pure Consciousness and everything else just refers to my position in this lifetime which helps me rid myself of some previous lifetimes' Karma. There's no significance to anything else anywhere in this Universe except in your imagination.

This is one topic that I can go tangentially in several areas, but that's all for this post. More on this in subsequent posts!


- Sru🔥

Further readings:

  1. The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer

  2. Death by Sadhguru

  3. Karma by Sadhguru

  4. The Power of Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

  5. The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein

  6. The NDE experiences videos on YouTube by IANDS and Angel Studios.

  7. Happy for No Reason by Marci Shimoff

  8. Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz.


  10. The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard.



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My name is Sruthi, and this is my daily life lessons blog. This is an attempt to keep my parenting anxiety in check. 

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